SportE is reimagining the future of fitness?

Our health is in a state of serious concern. To make matters worse, COVID has only exacerbated this problem. Beyond the direct impact of the virus on our long-term health, staying indoors and self-isolating have had significant consequences on our mental well-being. Quarantined indoors and forced to self-isolate, experts say psychological damages from the social and emotional turmoil of COVID could last a generation.

Studies have found that walking has outsized health benefits, including stimulating circulation, lowering blood glucose, strengthening immunity, and helping sleep quality. In fact, scientists have found that walking 2.5 hours a week — or just 21 minutes a day — can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%. For those struggling with mental health, a quick stroll around the neighborhood has been linked to reduced stress, lower anxiety, and lessened fatigue, all while improving cognitive function and boosting creativity.

The best part? Unlike exclusive fitness studios or expensive home gym equipment, walking is free and accessible to most able-bodied individuals. A walk around the block tends to be far more realistic and achievable for the vast majority of people, especially for newer exercisers.

So why isn’t everyone walking? Despite the fact that walking is free and accessible to all, statistics point out a large majority of people don’t exercise enough. Despite all our best intentions, we’re only human — in the digital age, distractions and emails and TV shows often get the best of us, and instead of taking a stroll outside, we stay indoors and stare at our screens.

Even with the burgeoning industry of newfangled fitness tech, from wearables like the Apple Watch to connected gym equipment like Peloton, we’re still not getting enough movement throughout our days. So, how do you solve for the human element of fitness?

Say hello to the nascent fitness-to-earn industry.

SportE’s mission is to help millions lead a healthier lifestyle, connect them to web3 and help combat climate change. Users buy an NFT shoe and then walk, run, or jog outdoors to earn tokens. They can then swap their earnings to an external account, or reinvest them in the ecosystem to upgrade their earning capacities.

Most promisingly, users are trading fitness transformation stories that are off the charts. Testimonials have flooded the project’s Discord, with users saying that they haven’t run in a decade, but — thanks to the addictiveness of SportE’s interface — have actually developed a daily running habit.

What’s next?

Riding this wave, SportE is poised to take off and is dedicated to building a robust platform that will encourage millions to improve their health and develop a daily exercise routine. It has the potential to impact a massive population while introducing a whole market of runners to the web3 world.

Currently, SportE is already helping thousands improve their lives by making simple changes to their lifestyle — as simple as taking a walk around the block. In the future, SportE even has plans to partner with universities to double down on improving users’ health with science-backed research and studies.

This is only the start. With global health in a more concerning state than ever, SportE looks to be a crucial piece of the puzzle, helping improve the collective well-being of our global population one walker at a time. Stay tuned.

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About SportE:
OFFICIAL WEBSITES AND RESOURCES: Official website| Whitepaper| Litepaper|Medium|Linktree

SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter|Discord|Reddit|Fanpage|Instagram|Youtube

MARKETPLACE: SportE Marketplace



SportE Official | #MoveToEarn #M2E

We aim to make #Movetoearn happens in real life and build a healthier lifestyle globally which is more applicable with utilization of Web3.